Mind the Challenge was born from the partnership between Facta.news and Verificat, fact-checking and debunking projects that deal with the fight against misinformation. The aim is to inform and raise public awareness on the subject of online challenges, a phenomenon that pushes social media users to emulate viral video behaviors.
Challenges, recorded and shared online, can have negative or positive consequences and are often a vehicle for misinformation. Facta.news and Verificat have created a multilingual site useful for young people, educators and experts to be properly informed about online challenges, discover their history, risks and benefits. Although it has already been addressed in the scientific literature, the issue of challenges on social networks and the Internet is a topic still closely linked to news events and overall little studied.
Mind the Challenge wants to turn the spotlight on a real phenomenon that often affects young people and contribute to a proper education. The content on the site is entirely dedicated to the topic, user-friendly and downloadable for educational activities and purposes. Experts from different fields (psychologists, lawyers, journalists, educators) helped Facta.news and Verificat to produce high quality content of international interest, combining scientific literature and journalistic techniques.
Mind the Challenge was born from an idea by Facta.news and funded by Stars4Media.